Please be aware of the road closure and detours during this time! Mateo Overpass does not meet modern size requirements and it will be replaced soon.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation will begin setting up the Traffic Control the week on March 23. Construction activities are scheduled to begin on Monday, March 31st. The construction traffic control will remain in effect for 19 months or until the project is complete.
Attached is the approved detour plan for the project and letter from Governor Moquino regarding Council’s approval of the plan.
In this plan, Local Traffic and First Responders will be routed off Hwy 22 down the upper Spa Route 88 turning left at the trading post.
As always, please go slow and use caution on the detours to protect drivers and residents in the area. If you have any questions, contact the Roads/Transportation Director at 505-465-0301. Please help spread the word by sharing!