Services We Offer
- Monday thru Friday 3 – 5 p.m. – After school homework help and Brainfuse HelpNow is an online live tutoring K-college in all subject areas. Brainfuse is a free database through the New Mexico State Library available through local libraries.
- Online classes for professional development, degree programs, GED and basic literacy.
- Available job announcements, job applications, resume preparation assistance, job searches, unemployment claims. Library staff provide help in filling out the forms and using websites.
- Veteran resources – Assistance to obtain DD2-14 documents
- Center for connectivity during emergencies; libraries and schools traditional gathering places during weather emergencies i.e. floods, fires, etc.
- None for the Road online: First time New Mexico licensees between the ages 18 through 24. Must purchase a $25 workbook. Details available at the library
- Basic Computer classes (4 classes – 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.) Classes forming monthly. Call the library for schedules.
- New Mexico Department of Workforce online assistance
- NM Department of Game & Fish online assistance – Hunting permits, Harvest reports, Youth Hunter Safety Courses, and apply for a Hunter ID number.
- 10 – Public computers with Internet access (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint software)
- Meeting room available after hours to various community organizations i.e. Cross Country, Special school activities, Veterans, Housing, etc.
- Voter registration
- Voting site: General, County, and Middle Rio Grande Conservancy elections
- TRANSIT SITE RESOURCE – Rio Metro Regional Transit – Rio Metro Shuttle and Rail Runner Express schedules, updated schedule changes
- Food Handlers Online Food Handler Certification from the Indian Health Service to sell or prepare food on tribal lands. 1 ½ hour session, watch video, 20-question quiz, score 70% or above receive your food handlers’ certificate (8×11 or wallet size).
- Daily newspapers – The Santa Fe New Mexican and Albuquerque Journal
- FREE fax/copy/scanning of documents
- June/July 2016 “Ready set Read!” Summer programs and summer reading activities for children and teens
- Notary services
- NMSU Extension service for tribal farmers and ranchers
- Host site for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF
- “ASK THE LIBRARIAN” reference questions
Library Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Staff lunch
12:00 p.m. – 1 p.m.
*Hours subject to changeLibrary Staff
Cynthia Aguilar, Librarian
Rachel Coriz, Library Aide
Karra Calabaza, Library Aide